Message from the MD
Having achieved numerous goals established in our strategic program, we ought to continue on our ambitious path to achieve each and every one of them.
The activities carried out since 2008 and successful implementation of the various small, medium, and large-sized projects, particularly during the years of economic strain, are proof of a determined, flexible, and efficient company.
I believe that one way of measuring a company is by observing how well it reacts to economic changes around it. Since inception, not only has Cosmic Investments steered through the changing economic conditions but also succeeded in finding opportunities and advantages to leap ahead. Even with the most recent global economic conditions, we are working hard to navigate the African economy, with greater emphasis on East Africa; which we are doing while preserving our core values and guiding principles.
We shall continue providing our clients with quality products and services at a competitive price.
As we steer through this volatile economy, we continue to grow stronger, more skillful, and therefore more competitive. In light of this, Cosmic Investments will always aim to be an indispensable contractor and trade partner; as we believe in Synergy for Excellence.
Paul Sekajugo